- 500 ml scotch whisky
- 1 unwaxed orange
- 1 unwaxed lemon
- 1 unwaxed lime
- 2 cm piece of fresh root ginger grated
- sprig of fresh rosemary
- 225 g Monk Fruit Sugar
- When yoou buy citrus fruit it is coated in a protective wax to make it last longer in the shops. You can buy fruit labeld as ‘unwaxed’.
- Simply scrub the fruit with a nailbrush in hot soapy water and rinse thoroughly in cold water and pat dry on a clean tea towel.
- oranges and lemons
- limes
- Pare the rind off the citrus fruits and pack into a large jar.
- Squeeze in the citrus juice and add the whisky, sugar, ginger and rosemary.
- Seal jar and shake well
- Set aside in cool cupboard for 2 weeks shaking every day for first week to dissolve sugar.
- Strain through a double layer of muslin to get a clear golden liquid and decant into bottles.
- Seal and label.